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《生活大爆炸》的执行制片人Bill Prady日前透露了一些关于第五季Penny将会有什么经历的细节。这部CBS热门情景喜剧的第五季将于金秋回归。上一季以Penny和Raj的酒后一夜情作为大结局,多么坑爹的悬念设计呀!Bill Prady 向TV Line解释道:“Penny的服务生事业前途渺茫,现在她身边只有这群好朋友了,结果她还跟Raj乱爱了一回,破坏了这种关系。”“在她的一生中,这是第一次有把她当做真正的人并且尊重她的男性朋友,而不像以前那些男人只是把她当做调情的对象。可惜她这回又搞砸了,不知朋友还有没有的做。”Prady承认自己喜欢看着剧中人物的生活搞得一团糟,然后他们再努力挽回的过程,他还说道:“对于Penny来说,这将是个非常有趣的经历。。有时候安排他们把事情搞砸,甚至彻底悲了个剧,之后再看他们如何跳出困境真是特别好玩儿的!”他还透露说在剧中饰演Howard女友Bernadette的演员Melissa Rauch将会继续出演这部喜剧。Prady曾向TV Guide透露:“关于Howard婚礼的各项事宜都将在新一季中上演,包括伴郎和伴娘的人选。婚前的单身派对将是个悲剧,但是最难得是Howard如何从老妈那里搬出来。”之前还有消息称Leonard在第五季中跟Priya会来场相隔半个地球的异地恋。《生活大爆炸》在今年1月份时已经获得了未来三季的预定,因此至少会播出到第七季。《生活大爆炸》第五季将于今秋9月22日(周四)晚8点回归,而且是两集连播。(北京时间23日周五上午)



Created and written by Mike Bartlett and produced by Drama Republic, Life stars Alison Steadman, Peter Davison, Adrian Lester, Victoria Hamilton, Melissa Johns, Rachael Stirling, Saira Choudhry, Erin Kellyman, Calvin Demba and Joshua James, who all feature in today’s new images. Victoria Hamilton will reprise her role from Doctor Foster - now going by the name of ‘Belle’, rather than Anna - and seeking to rebuild her life anew. Adam James will appear later on in the series, reprising his Doctor Foster role as Belle’s now ex-husband Neil. Life also features Elaine Paige and Susannah Fielding in key roles. Set in Manchester, Life follows the stories of the residents of a large house divided into four flats. As each of the four stories unfold and intertwine in surprising ways, they tell a larger story about what happens when we step out of our personal space and take a closer look into other people’s lives. Life explores love, loss, birth, death, the ordinary, the extraordinary and everything in between. Gail (Alison Steadman), married to Henry (Peter Davison), is about to celebrate her 70th birthday when a chance encounter throws her whole life into question. David (Adrian Lester) is happily married to Kelly (Rachael Stirling), but is conflicted by temptation when he meets the impulsive Saira (Saira Choudhry) on holiday. Pilates teacher Belle’s (Victoria Hamilton) neatly ordered life is disrupted by the unexpected arrival of her chaotic 15 year-old niece Maya (Erin Kellyman). Heavily pregnant Hannah (Melissa Johns) - who is happily coupled up with safe and stable Liam (Joshua James) - has her plans upended by the return of Andy (Calvin Demba), with whom she had a passionate one-night stand nine months previously...



故事主角是15岁女孩阿黛尔(阿黛尔·艾克萨勒霍布洛斯 Adèle Exarchopoulos 饰),她有一个帅气的同学男友托马斯(热雷米·拉厄尔特 Jeremie Laheurte 饰),但托马斯并没能走进她的心。她在街头意外遇到一个美丽的蓝发女孩艾玛(蕾雅·赛杜 Léa Seydoux 饰)后,第一次体验到小鹿乱撞般的怦然心动。而当某晚阿黛尔忐忑不安的走进一家同志酒吧,发现艾玛就在那儿等着她呢。女孩们的彼此靠近让阿黛尔的青春期变得复杂起来…...《阿黛尔的生活》改编自法国女作家朱莉·马洛的情欲漫画《蓝色是最温暖的颜色》(即英文片名),讲述了女孩阿黛尔一段如火如荼的同性爱情。3个小时的片长长而不闷,充满各种情趣元素,而在性爱内容上又惊人的大胆。影片最可贵之处,是没有将同性恋做为热点话题加以投机,而是以同性之爱作为承载,寄托人类最美好也最伤感的初恋情怀。主角从发现自己的性取向,到一步步找到真爱,又一步步失去爱人,整个过程就如繁花盛放又归于荼蘼,让观众看得如痴如醉。导演阿布戴·柯西胥出生于突尼斯,曾三次入围威尼斯金狮奖,其中《谷子和鲻鱼》获得了评委会大奖。他热衷于表现法国外裔青少年的生活和对身份认同的自我寻找,是一位一直维持着较高水准的创作型导演。2013年是他首次入围戛纳。《阿黛尔的生活》获得第66届戛纳电影节金棕榈大奖和影评人费比西奖。
